World Environment Day

We all know that the foods we consume, the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the climate that makes earth habitable all come from nature.

Each year, marine plants produce more than a half of our atmosphere's oxygen, as mature trees clean our air, absorbing 22kg of carbon dioxide(CO2), releasing oxygen(O2), in exchange per tree. 

Even with all the benefits that we get from nature, we still mismanage it. Working in fixing that should be priority. Thus this Observance.

The World Environment Day is hosted by Colombia this 2020, is the most renowned day for environmental action. It has been celebrated every year on 5 June, since 1974; engaging governments, businesses, and citizens to focus their efforts on a very disturbing environmental issue.

The  Theme for this year is Biodiversity. A concern that is urgent and existential. Events from bushfires in Brazil, the USA and Australia to locust infestations across Eastern Africa, definitely the global pandemic demonstrates the interdependence of humans and life cycle in which they exist.

How humans are connected to Biodiversity

Biodiversity is known as the foundation that supports all life on earth and under the water. It impacts every aspect of human health, as it is responsible for clean air and water, nutritious foods, source of medicine, resistance to natural infection/disease, and climate change mitigation. 

Altering, any element of this cycle most negatively affects the entire life system and can produce negative consequences.

Activities such as; Wildlife encroachment, deforestation, intensified agriculture, and facilitating climate change, have strained Earth's nature to it's limit. 

According to the UN, It would take 1.6 Earths to meet the demands that humans make of nature yearly. If humans are continue on this deteriorating path, biodiversity loss will have severe consequences for human existence,  with the collapse of food and health systems.

COVID-19 has us atleast understood the fact that, when we destroy biodiversity, we in turn destroy the system that supports humanity.

Today, estimations has it that over one billion cases of illness and millions of deaths occur yearly in the world, from diseases caused by "coronaviruses"; and about 70% of infections are transmitted to people by animals.

We should be very conscious on how we treat Earth.